Keeping everyone safe is my primary concern, therefore I am strictly following Government guidelines to keep the studio and apparatus fully sanitised. In between clients visiting the studio, I will implement the following: all surfaces, door handles, mats & equipment will all be thoroughly sprayed with ‘Natrasan’ an advanced antiviral, antibacterial & anti fungal sanitising spray. This will be done before and after every client who enters into the studio. I also have a Hepa air purifier with UV light as an extra precaution in the studio. As all clients are booked in at a specific time, with a 15 mins cleaning time intermission there will be no waiting. If you do arrive early please wait in your car on the driveway.
Please do not come to the studio if you or a member of your household has displayed symptoms of Covid-19 or any other illness within the last two weeks, this includes coughing, fever, and loss of smell or taste.
Please bring the following items on every visit when arriving at the studio: A clean pair of socks & a small clean towel. You may also bring your own mat if you prefer.
On arrival, and before entering into the studio, you will be asked to sanitise your hands with 70+% alcohol based sanitiser, then have your temperature taken using a contact free scanning thermometer and be supplied with a disposable mask (you can bring your own if you wish) and latex free gloves. I will also be wearing a mask and gloves.
If you have any questions regarding the above please call or text me on 07989 556 154.