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Realign and Redefine with Intrinsic Pilates

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Quote Mark

The best compliment I can pay Susannah is that, no matter what I feel beforehand, I always feel better after a session with her. Whilst she is the best Pilates teacher I have had, she is a lot more than that: her “whole body” knowledge has helped me with a variety of muscular and tendon issues, as well as helping me to understand my own body better. She is a positive, happy person and all the work-outs are fun as well as demanding. I would recommend her very highly.


Quote Mark

I’ve just got back from my week of camping. I hope that you were receiving all the blessings that I was sending you from that field! I was pain free for a lot of the time, and having the exercises (with a space I found that was reasonably level and private to do them in) meant that I was able to deal with the less comfortable times too. My increased body and postural awareness made me so much better at noticing potentially dangerous movements or positions, and making adjustments before I got into difficulties. What you have helped me to achieve is really remarkable – I have been camping almost every summer for the best part of twenty years, and never have had such a pain-free time, whether it was during driving, packing and unpacking the car, putting up and taking down the tent, doing all the reaching, bending, etc necessary, sleeping on an inflatable mattress... the whole thing!!! That is an example of the difference that our lessons have made to me. Other experiences like the above come up all the time in my normal daily life too, but the camping is a particular victory! You are an incredibly patient, meticulous, and observant teacher. So very thorough in searching out exactly what seems to work best. I feel very lucky to have come across you!! Huge thanks.

Carol Hill

Quote Mark

Susannah has a passion for Pilates and this shines through in the enthusiasm and effort she puts into the classes.  She has a real understanding of every part of the body and then finds the right exercises specifically tailored to accommodate any injuries you might have. Susannah works incredibly hard, she clearly explains and demonstrates the exercises and has a wonderfully warm personality.  Her classes are always fun as well as pushing you to work hard to get good results. My posture, core strength and flexibility have improved immeasurably since coming to Pilates classes with Susannah and I couldn’t wish for a better teacher.

John McDonough

Quote Mark

I’ve had a number of long standing challenges which mainly stem from my back, core and tightness which, over the years I’ve been told need to be managed. I was referred to Pilates by numerous osteopaths and physios over the years and have often been the “token male” in the class. Having experienced a deterioration in my health, at least some of which stemmed from my back problems, I decided to take action. If it’s helped keep footballers like Ryan Giggs going then I figured it should help me (not that I’m any Giggsy…!) I came across Susannah by chance if I’m honest, but was told she was excellent so I thought I’d meet her. I was worried that she might be tempted to show me the door when we went through my history and problems. Susannah said she thought she could help and that was good enough for me. There’s an air of wisdom, experience, genuine caring and passion which resonates from her. I know that is vital for me if I’m going to develop a positive working relationship with someone. I’m starting from quite a low base and Susannah has been creative, patient and challenging, all at the same time. What we do is a stretch for me, often literally, and is hard work but I really enjoy it. I’m rarely in pain now, am much more supple, flexible and feel stronger and more confident, especially around my core. I feel physically taller and a number of people including sports masseurs have noticed how my back is better than it has ever been whilst they have known me. I’m learning more about my body and how to listen to it, which Susannah is helping with. It is rare to come across someone with as much knowledge and expertise who is also accessible and fun. Susannah is obviously a master of her craft. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Pippa Alexander

Quote Mark

Susannah knows instinctively what exercise your body needs to keep it strong, flexible, fully mobile and pain free – she has a natural talent, and a caring deposition. I always feel very safe and well cared for when I am with Susannah. I would highly recommend working with her. It’s such a good investment in your body. I have been doing Pilates with different Instructors for years and none of them have helped me as much as Susannah.. Her methods are slightly different but so much better, hence I had to relearn a good number of the exercises with Susannah, but what a difference! They all seem to make much more sense to me.. I am now never in any discomfort and my body is getting much stronger all the time.”

Lena Pratt

Quote Mark

Through the course of my training with you, I have come to understand Pilates in its best form and an almost subtle form of therapy especially for my bad back. It’s now very addictive and I am very glad that I have started this training with you. My husband mentioned that I should never give it up as it gives me a very good shape!”

Patricia Fallan

Quote Mark

I really cannot speak highly enough about Susannah. Not only is she an excellent teacher, her interest in her students’ conditions and the research she carries out in order to provide the best teaching is admirable and much appreciated. Her enthusiasm is infectious and I look forward to my classes.

Julie Clements

Quote Mark

When I met Susannah I had just had my second child and was in desperate need of my first hip replacement. I had very weak core and leg muscles. She worked with me to prepare for my first operation and totally transformed me after it. By working with Susannah twice a week, I developed significant core strength, realigned my posture, lost all my baby weight getting a figure I didn’t think was possible. My recuperation was fantastic and she helped me build up core and leg strength to prepare me for my second operation. This helped me dramatically shorten the recuperation time from 9 to 4 weeks. I’m walking without any limp at all and can finally chase after my small boys with confidence knowing I have the strength to hold myself properly. A huge thanks to Susannah who has been my rock throughout the whole experience. I sometimes find that my back aches after sitting at work for a few days. I used to worry that it would get worse but now I just think, oh it doesn’t matter, I’m seeing Susannah tomorrow, that’ll sort it.


Quote Mark

You made the rest of my day so much better! It’s because you really give a lot in your sessions, and it is so clear that you care about your work (which is not so common these days) I can tell that you always put a lot of thought in to what we are going to work on, and you are very positive and uplifting, and I appreciate your work!

Katie Hansard

Quote Mark

I suffered with low grade back ache and tension headaches for many years and was starting to also get pains in my hips and legs, which was holding me back with the exercise I love.  I decided to try 1:1 Pilates to see if that would help. 


From the first session with Susannah it was apparent her knowledge of the human body and it’s biomechanics was second to none. For most of my adult life I had intermittently spent a lot of money on osteopaths, chiropractors and physiotherapists, which sometimes provided short term relief. I had even tried group Pilates classes. Yet a simple postural assessment at my first appointment with Susannah yielded much more useful information than I had ever had from any other professional. 


I was so excited and relieved to discover Intrinsic Pilates that when the Coronavirus lockdown hit I was seriously worried I would be unable to continue this revolutionary journey... Luckily for me, Susannah decided to continue her sessions from her studio at home via video-link. This worked amazingly well. With proper positioning of the screen she could assess my movements with accuracy, and I have made just as much progress from working this way as I would have done in the studio. In fact, for a busy mum with many other demands on my time, it has made it very accessible and therefore easier to invest in myself. Whatever your physical goals, I highly recommend Intrinsic Pilates. With remote sessions you can achieve them in the comfort of your own home. You will learn so much about your own body- the only way to effect permanent change and relief from bothersome symptoms. 


Quote Mark

I was overjoyed to see how well Zoom sessions worked with Susannah -  a lot of what we do is not necessarily hands-on so it's quite easy for her to instruct me via video.  She can see if I have my shoulders hunched, or my back arched when I shouldn't.  And her endless knowledge of exercise, movement, and anatomy means she knows exactly what sort of mistakes to watch out for, and how to cue me for the perfect result. I can clearly see her whenever she demonstrates a new exercise, and she uses helpful analogies and imagery so that I can really isolate individual muscles.  I have made enormous improvement in eliminating pain and increasing range of motion with Susannah and I cannot recommend her highly enough.  She has made a colossal difference to my everyday life - all through Zoom!

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"I have been doing Pilates and Somatic Movement Therapy once a week with Susannah since 2017 and I have seen an incredible change to my core strength and stability (and body shape!)"

When Annabel started 'lockdown', she assumed that missing few weeks before the country started up again would be fine. Fast forward to a few weeks of working from home, bending over a laptop at the kitchen table on a too short chair later... Add in Netflix, too many glasses of wine, several extra snacks and some very half hearted running, she knew she was in trouble!


"My neck hurt, my shoulders were tense, my posture slumped and all that effort I had put in was wasted. I was sceptical that we could recreate a proper Pilates session over Zoom without the reformer, the chair, the barrel and the other objects of torture, but I was amazed at how hard I worked over the hour.  Two sessions later and I am sitting taller, walking properly and feeling my core engage again. Equipped with just a towel, Susannah could direct me to work all parts of my body in a surprisingly similar way to the studio.  Add in a strap/yoga band and/or a magic circle and we are well underway to me escaping the house in a much more similar shape as when I entered lockdown. I didn't believe it would be possible to achieve this much over Zoom!"

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